Bottle sealing wax repairs and seal replacements
Sealing a bottle with wax is a great and lasting way to preserve the product. however, after decades in circulation and countless runs in transit, it’s understandable that some wax dips may be damaged.
Product Specification
Any bottles originally sealed in wax which have since been cracked or damaged, or perhaps a missing a decorative wax seal? Get in touch to discuss your requirements. We’d love to help if we can.
Having fixed up a handful of bottles in recent years, we’ve got a good bit experience. The idea behind this is more about helping out the community of collectors. The bottle sealing wax repairs and seal replacement will be ran as non-profit service.
What we do
We supply bottle sealing wax to spirit brands around the world and have clients across the United Kingdom, Europe and beyond. Our wax’s are tested and proven in both hot and cold conditions.